Tuesday, February 2, 2021

I Would Just Hope To Have Been Half... Or A Tenth, Even... The Man He Was... By The Time I Depart This Earth.

Capt. Sir Thomas Moore (knighted by the Queen at age 100) has passed quietly, early on Tuesday, London time. This -- after testing positive for COVID-19, over this past weekend, and then apparently contracting. . . pneumonia.

But as is so often true, his life will not be defined by his last few days -- but rather by all the wonderful life he gave, and shared, with and for others. For a full century. Here's the bit, from the Beeb:

. . .The retired Army officer served in India and Myanmar, also known as Burma, during World War Two but it was by walking laps around his garden that he became known to millions.

When he was 99, he was catapulted into the global spotlight with his attempt to raise an initial £1,000 for charity.

Early in April 2020, with the aid of his walking frame and a steely determination, he vowed to complete 100 laps of his patio before his 100th birthday at the end of that month.

The war veteran was inspired to help the health service after receiving treatment for skin cancer of the head, and a broken hip after a fall in 2018.

He described the NHS staff who helped him through this as "marvellous", and pledged to help those same "super" people who were working on the front line during the coronavirus pandemic. . . .

May the Infinite. . . now forever guide, protect and bless this fine soul. Onward. Be like. . . Sir Tom.



  1. Hey you… can you say… hello?

  2. I’m a bachelor, all weekend… smiling now — thrice at 6:54 am…
