Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Has The Kenosha AR-15 Gunman Kyle Rittenhouse... Skipped Bail / Left The County, Stiffing The Hard-Right Out Of $2 Million?

As of Wednesday night, in Kenosha, an all-new warrant is being prepared -- for his re-arrest, and booking into the adult facility in Kenosha County, Wisconsin. [This guy thinks a murder charge is. . . some form of joke.]

Prosecutors' attempts to serve him with papers at the address listed for his home confinement turned up no trace of him, earlier this week.

. . .He's currently awaiting trial for the shooting deaths of two men who were protesting the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

Prosecutors filed a motion Wednesday saying the court was unable to deliver a hearing notice for Rittenhouse at the address he listed as his home on his release paperwork.

The notice was returned to the court because a forwarding address was not known.

Prosecutors wrote in their filing Rittenhouse failed to notify the court of a change of address or telephone number within 48 hours.

They asked the judge to increase Rittenhouse's bail by $200,000 for the violation and issue a warrant for his arrest. . . .

We shall see. But even if he is ultimately only charged another $200,000 -- I love that the hard-right is going deeper into their pockets to run the risk that he rabbits on them before his trial date.


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