Sunday, February 14, 2021

Ebola Now Resurgent In Guinea As Well As DRC... Twelfth Outbreak Fully Underway.

I wish we had better news to close out Valentine's 2021. . . but this is reality: Ebola is back in mountainous central Africa.

Here is the latest, via The Hill, this evening:

. . .In a statement Sunday, the World Health Organization (WHO) said Guinea’s national laboratory had confirmed three cases in the community of Goueke, near the city of N’Zerekore in the country’s interior forest region. The first case occurred in a nurse who died on Jan. 28. Two people who attended the nurse’s funeral have died, and four more have reported Ebola-like symptoms and are hospitalized. . . .

Now, all you future MDs. . . do stay hunkered down, in the Middle South, as a foot may well have fallen by this time tomorrow night. Stay safe and warm one and all, with all that precious, future science-bearing cargo. . . . smile.


1 comment:

  1. Once more, at 6:12 am… smiling your way. No rain until tomorrow(?)….
