Saturday, February 27, 2021

By Next Friday, Bannon Must Choose: Is He "Accepting" -- On The Record, The Dubious Benefits -- Of That Trump Pardon?

I know I said I'd likely not closely follow this, but the manifold paths. . . that lead to ever-more hilarious mischief -- from the Tangerine Team's utter lack of understanding of the US legal system. . . cause me to offer at least this much more. I think the central teaching here is that offering pardons to people who've not yet been found formally guilty by a jury or judge -- especially for garden variety financial fraud felonies with multiple co-conspirators (felonies that are not part of any arguable political campaigning processes, in proper). . . may well create more exposure rather than diminish it.

The able USDC Judge in Manhattan has given Bannon only until the first Friday in March to decide: will he formally accept the pardon, with all the downside that entails, or will he not? She has made it plain: he cannot have it both ways any longer -- to get the benefit, he will have to admit guilt on the record. Here it is, overnight, in full:

. . .The Court has reviewed Defendant Stephen Bannon's letter dated February 18, 2021 (the "Letter"), transmitted to the Court via email, and the Government's response, ECF No. 86.

Accordingly, By March 5, 2021, Bannon shall file the Letter on the docket, or move to file it under seal;

By March 19, 2021, Bannon shall file his motion to dismiss;

By April 2, 2021, the Government shall file its opposition; and

By April 9, 2021, Bannon shall file his reply, if any (Defendant Motions due by 3/19/2021., Defendant Replies due by 4/9/2021., Government Responses due by 4/2/2021).

(Signed by Judge Analisa Torres on 2/26/21). . . .

Condor predicts he will accept the pardon, and vainly try to argue some form of common law double jeapardy in state courts (though in this context, no such defense exists), as to his admission of state court felonies, as well. And still -- we will watch and wait -- who else gets dragged down by him, as co-conspirators? Who indeed. Grin. . . stay dry in the nation's middle south -- we now (finally!) now have better weather than you: sunny and fairly warm here -- almost all that snow is melted.


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