Saturday, January 16, 2021

"We Have Some Difficult Days Ahead..." But Hopefully Only A Few More Of Them.

In what was to be his last speech on Earth, Dr. King told us that the difficult days ahead didn't really matter to him now.

He said he'd been to the mountain-top. . . as have we, now. Let us finish this thing, as we began it -- peacefully, but with resolve.

On Wednesday at 12:01 PM Eastern, we will turn the page away from the Twenty-First Century version of Jim Crow-ism that was. . . Trump's actual agenda, under all the lies.

And let us. . . [as BHO 44 urged, on that warm November night in 2008, in Chicago's Grant Park] "bend the arc of history once more. . . toward. . . progress. . . ."


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