Saturday, January 23, 2021

Update, On Public "On The Record" Disclosures Of The Wrongs Committed, On Bill Barr's "Star Chamber" Policing Commission...

Late on frigid Friday night, the NAACP Legal Defense (once again!) offered ample proof that the team of lawyers representing old Baby-T, and Billy Barr. . . are incompetent, at best.

We've covered this in detail -- but here's a recent backgrounder. The NAACP and the world, at large -- have the collective right to see what lawlessness was undertaken by Barr and Trump, in late 2020, "under color of law". We will soon see it all -- as the able USDC Judge Bates, sitting in the Capitol has ordered. The time of big-belly, tiny handed would-be dictators running secret militarized policing "star chambers". . . has ended, in the US, as of last Wednesday.

But to be sure, we need to see these papers -- to insure that no future would be hard right baby-dictators try this again -- here's the bit:
. . .LDF’s claim is not raised only against agency actors covered by the APA. Instead, it is also properly raised under the Mandamus Act against Chair Phil Keith, Vice Chair Katharine Sullivan, and the Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice (“Commission”) itself.

Moreover, even with respect to LDF’s APA claim, Defendants mistake the law in arguing that the Court’s review should be confined to the “Commission’s establishing documents,” which Defendants inaccurately describe as constituting an “administrative record.” Reply at 16. The establishing documents are merely the result of an agency decision-making process for which no administrative record has been produced. The relevant administrative record here is the record of the decision-making process that culminated in Defendants’ violation of Section 5(b)(3), which Defendants have not made available to the Court or to LDF. Thus, Defendants’ argument that the Court stay discovery and confine its review to the Commission’s establishing documents should be rejected. . . .

Watching the Salt-N-Pepa docu-drama, out of the corner of my eye, as I type this. . . and being sadly underwhelmed. I really wanted to like it more. . . but it isn't ringing in as. . . genuine to me -- having lived through that time. Grinning, just the same. . . cuz' snow's a comin'. . . . It's just around the bend:


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