Tuesday, January 5, 2021

I Disagree With The "No Charges" Decision, By The Prosecutors -- Against The Police Involved In Shooting Jacob Blake 7 Times In The Back...

As many know, I spent significant time on the ground, knocking on doors -- in Kenosha -- registering new voters, and talking to people in the communities affected by all of this, in the two months leading up to the November elections.

I cannot in any way countenance (or even explain) this no charging decision.

Even so, I will call for exclusively peaceful expressions of disagreement -- in the community in Kenosha. Please do not give any additional would-be Kyle Rittenhouses the room to open fire on you.

And as for Rittenhouse, his not guilty pleas today are his right -- but he will be proved guilty of at least one homicide. Onward to a better tomorrow, and hopefully, to a pair of blue Georgia Senators.


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