Thursday, January 28, 2021

And... It Is Literally As Though A Four Year Long, Night-Sweats Filled Nightmare... Is Finally Ending.

This is why I knocked on hundreds and hundreds of doors, for him. This is why I registered new voters, traveling state to state in the Midwest, to be sure that Wisconsin and Michigan went blue, this time. This is what a more just and compassionate America will look like, day by day.

He is, already -- in eight days, doing more on health care, than Baby T's non plan, did in four long years. Here is the beginning, of the re-awakening, via the Wa Po's reporting:

. . .President Biden plans to sign an executive order Thursday to reopen the Affordable Care Act’s federal insurance marketplaces for three months to give Americans who need coverage during the coronavirus pandemic an extended chance to buy health plans.

A Biden White House official said Thursday morning that consumers will be allowed to sign up from Feb. 15 to May 15 through, the online federal insurance exchange for people who cannot get affordable health benefits through a job.

The actions represent the first steps the new administration is taking to fulfill a major part of the president’s campaign agenda to make health insurance and health care more accessible and affordable — goals that have taken on more urgency as 25 million have been infected with the coronavirus. . . .

Yes, we are grinning ear to ear -- thinking back to helping form the first version -- in late 2005, mid 2006, and late 2007, at meetings of concerned doctors' associations, each in Philadelphia. It is a very. . . gratifying morning, here.


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