Friday, January 22, 2021

A "Dead Hand, On The Tiller" DHS Agreement: Despicable Texas Gov. Abbott Tried, But Failed To Invalidate Mr. Biden's Win...

I expected some truly scorched Earth shenanigans. . . to be certain. And I expected it, from Texas, particularly. But I didn't think it would be this transparently. . . silly (so silly. . . it was a 1960s folk song!).

Apparently, two days AFTER the January 6th attack on the Capitol, Gov. Abbott convinced the powerless Kenny Cuccinelli, II at DHS (he had overstayed his interim appointment by months) to sign a "dead hand" agreement, with the State of Texas. In it, these morons purport -- to bind the federal government, to exclusive, singular consultations with the Governor of the "super duper MAGA" state of Texas, to the detriment of all other states (but most notably, the state of California) BEFORE DHS makes any change to immigration policy. This was signed over two full months after Mr. Biden won, and Baby-T lost the election: January 8, 2021.

Yet here we see a state governor, purporting to take control of a federal agency's policy changes -- when the opposition party is 13 days away from taking control of essentially the entire federal government -- wresting that control from the Texas governor's party -- the GOP.

For a moment, let's ignore the sovereignty interests of states like California and Arizona, that also have a large role in the support and housing of people in the process of being granted asylum. Let's ignore comity between states, let's ignore the lack of standing (unless, at a minimum, all similar states are ALSO full parties to the "agreement"); let's ignore the Supremacy Clause. Let's ignore the Fourteenth Amendment's application to ALL of the states -- of the "equal protection of law" clauses.

Let's just ask whether this agreement, and the suit the moron filed, are evidence of actionable. . . sedition. It is absolutely true that by January 8, 2021, Mr. Biden had made clear that he would rescind Trumpian executive orders, now being litigated in California and DC, about which there are at least twelve final decisions declaring Trumpian orders. . . unlawful. All Mr. Biden said was that (essentially) he would return to enforcing the actual law as written, and administered in the Obama Administration.

Seriously, what possible benign motive may be ascribed to an lawsuit by Gov. Abbott to place a dead man at the wheel on this pirate ship, and Cuccinelli / the DHS shlubs to try to subvert federal authority at the borders, by handing it over to a GOP governor? Can you say. . . sedition? I certainly can.

Congress had already been subjected to a seige -- two police officers paid with their lives, in the seige. And, the warbling dead hand -- as of the moment it was signed, Trump had only said the seditionists were "very special people" to him, and that he "loved them" as he urged them to go home. The reasonable inference here -- is that Gov. Abbott and Cuccinelli tried ham-handedly, vainly. . . to conduct a coup, at the Texas border, to prevent Mr. Biden from restoring the rule of well-settled black letter US law and treaties, there.

I would laugh -- but I will let the able fedral district court judges (even from inside Texas) do the laughing for me -- in about 14 elapsed days, when all this is bounced out, on its ear.


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