Sunday, December 20, 2020

Ninth Circuit Portland Press Injunction Appeal Will Be Argued March 3, 2021 -- But It's Likely To Be Dropped By Biden Admin., Long Before Argument...

No surprise here.

I expect that lots of these appeals from Baby T.'s complete losses, in courtrooms around the nation, will be dropped by the incoming Biden Administration, through the related agencies. But we will mark the calendar, just in case this doesn't sort itself out (Baby T.'s position will not prevail. . . it will certainly be a loser, all as we've long said):
. . .Notice of Oral Argument on Wednesday, March 3, 2021 - 09:00 A.M. - PO 2nd Floor Ctrm - Scheduled Location:

Portland OR.

The hearing time is the local time zone at the scheduled hearing location, even if the argument is fully remote. . . .

Onward, grinning into a cloudless 70 degree sky, hiking toward the White Tank mountain range. . . .


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