Thursday, December 17, 2020

EmptyWheel Is Right: What Do You Call A Crowd That Needs At Least 25 Presidential Pardons, As It Leaves Office...?

She's right: Organized Crime.

Though perhaps not quite so organized. . . as the New York or Chicago syndicate / genuine article. Do read all of hers, here -- and this is the punch-line:

. . .In all, the President is considering pardons for more than two dozen people in his orbit whom he believes were targeted — or could be targeted in the future — for political ends. That’s in addition to hundreds of requests from others who have approached the White House directly, and tens of thousands more whose petitions are pending at the Justice Department. . . .

How many days until January 21, 2021? Yikes. . . . be excellent to one another, whilst I am gone. . . . grin.


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