Sunday, November 15, 2020

[U: MI Lock-Down, Part II] Tomorrow At 9:30 AM Eastern, The Supremes Release Orders... The End Of PA GOP Election Challenges, Among Them?

UPDATED -- And here at 7 PM EST, on Sunday, it seems the spike has driven the able Michigan governor to lock down her state, to the same levels last seen in early April 2020. These are sadly, not unrelated matters, as she was threatened with a kidnapping plot by deranged hard right white separatists / lunatics / domestic terrorists, all who have indicated they were inspired by the occupant of 1600 Penn. BTW, Mr. Biden won by a 14 times greater number of votes in Michigan, than HRC lost by, in that state in 2016. End update. And on Pennsylvania, we shall see.

But it would not be at all surprising for the court, despite Alito's earlier largely grandstanding order -- putting in a purported pause -- where one already plainly existed at the state court level. . . to find five Justices had voted to simply dismiss the whole mess (as series of them) as being. . . not (yet) ripe, for Supreme review.

Given that none of the relief requested could ever move Pennsylvania vote totals enough to shift it into the GOP's column. . . this matter is likely to die shortly one way or the other.

Now you know -- smiling, and feeling fairly sanguine. Sanguine, if sad, about having been at least third if not fourth fiddle (if thought of at all), for over two and a half years (never knowing any of that) -- only to be re-met, when all three other options were DOA. So it goes -- but that alone makes the idea it was to begin "atoning" -- seem more a ruse, than anything else. Puzzling, indeed. Onward.


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