Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Some More Good News: Eleventh Ebola Outbreak Has Been Declawed; "All Clear" In The DRC.

As of late last week, the latest Ebola after-shock, the eleventh, which arose almost immediately after the end of the tenth outbreak. . . was declared over. An "all clear" has been declared by the WHO.

We must not become so focused on the now over 265,000 dead here, that we forget there have been eleven such episodes, localized in sub-Saharan Africa, with much higher death rates, albeit on much smaller patient populations. The Merck/NewLink vaccine there works. When either the Moderna or Pfizer version becomes available here for COVID-19, please do line up to take it, when your turn is made available. Here's the latest from the European verson of the CDC:

. . .The declaration came 42 days after the last case tested negative twice.

This most recent outbreak in the DRC took place in Equateur Province in the north-west of the country. It was first declared an outbreak on 1 June 2020 and affected a total of 130 cases (119 confirmed, 11 probable), of whom 55 died and 75 survived, in 13 health zones. Three healthcare workers were also reported among the cases.

This latest outbreak in the western DRC arose during the period in which the 10th outbreak in the eastern DRC was coming to an end, which genetic sequencing results confirmed as a separate event. However, the 9th Ebola outbreak occurred between May and July 2018, in the same part of the country as this most recent outbreak, and led to a total of 54 cases and 33 deaths. . . .

Good news, indeed -- with deep lessons for the continuing efforts to arrest another highly contagious virus: COVID-19. Contact tracing, and ring vaccinations -- after the vaccination of all front line health care workers probably ought to be the first marching orders Mr. Biden gives, in January 2021.

Onward -- stay safe and healthy this holiday weekend -- but most of all, stay. . . away from larger gatherings. Missing one or two holiday meals is a small price to pay, to save your life -- or the life of an elderly or immuno-compromised relative.

Travel well, but travel light, Dr. Sol Flores. . . . 98, and the first Filipino dentist ever licensed in Illinois. . . COVID respects no one. Just the same, we will see you, when we meet again. . . . नमस्ते

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