Sunday, November 22, 2020

Rudy G. Says He'll Quickly Appeal The Latest PA Loss To The Supremes -- Where He Will... Lose, Again (Not Even Get A Hearing).

I'll just finish fleshing out the record here, on a couple of cases -- as I sip my hot coffee over Sunday brunch. First one, Rudy says he "welcomes" (Hah!) the completely humiliating loss of last night, in federal court in Pennsylvania -- as he can't wait to get to the Supremes. . . erh, good luck with that, Mr. Kraken/Leaky-Head.

An additional thought on Rudy's G.'s quixotic quest: it is not clear whether he'll file first in the Third Circuit, in order to at least marginally increase the chances that he might get a hearing at the Supremes, or whether he'll go straight to the Supremes, and be all but assured of a. . . summary order list (no opinion) denial. Either way, the ultimate outcome is entirely free from doubt.

He. . . loses.

Agent Orange loses. Full stop.

Yes, Mr. Biden is the 46th President-Elect.

Finally, and of at least slightly more substance, I've been meaning to link the full opinion in the Marland case, also out of Pennsylvania, now on appeal -- it is the OTHER TikTok injunction against Agent Orange, and Wilbur Ross orders. We just haven't covered it, as it largely duplicates the DC efforts -- but both are in full force and effect, and prevent any action against TikTok. The old adage here applies: "Belts, suspenders. . . and then. . . staple your pants, to your hips [that is. . . always have a back up plan]."

Housekeeping note: later this afternoon, I'll post an update on the space science front (a more joy-filled one, at that) -- on the graceful, undulating deep purple and green "picket fence" structures. . . lately seen here up north, in auroras. Smile. Onward. . . ever, onward.


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