Friday, November 13, 2020

No One Imagined [1600 Penn Occupant 45] Would Be "Firing On" At Least 130 Members Of His Own Protective Service Detail: Wa Po

The Wa Po broke the story first, but since it is paywalled, I quote below a local source.

From BayNews9 then:

. . .The report, citing numerous government officials who spoke to the publication on the condition of anonymity, says at least 130 members of the agency assigned to protect the president and the White House during travel have been ordered to quarantine after either testing positive for coronavirus or coming into close contact with another infected coworker.

In the final days of Trump’s campaign, the president launched a massive multi-state tour in the weekend leading up to the Nov. 3rd elections. On the Saturday before Election Day alone, the president visited Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and Wisconsin, making multiple stops in the latter three states to host massive rallies.

On Election Eve, the president’s campaign required five separate groups of Secret Service officers — each cohort including a minimum of 20 employees — to travel to as many states, according to The Washington Post. Part of the Secret Service’s job is to secure the perimeter of events and sweep the area before the president arrives. . . .

Unconscionable. He's lost Arizona, and his reputable lawyers are withdrawing from the meritless suits -- so his suits are being dismissed, as I type this. Moron. Out, grinning just the same -- 68 days.


1 comment:

  1. Hey now... grinning ear to ear — 7:55 to 57 pm, thrice!

    And a river runs, through it all... even still, tonight.

    Indeed... hope the 4th was... wonderful.
