Monday, November 9, 2020

Lanham Act Corporate Name Case Now Set For Settlement Conference On December 22 -- Via Zoom, Before USDC Mag. Judge Michael Hammer

Bending our narrative arc back toward life sciences law and policy now -- an update on the global Merck v. Merck name disputes. [One of dozens of prior posts on this, here -- from a year and a half ago.]

We now have a firm date -- three days before Christmas -- for a full day Zoom settlement conference. The goal is a world-wide agreement. I am hopeful the parties can acheive it, thus (from an order originally published last Thursday, in New Jersey which was effectively buried amid all that election tumult):


Settlement Conference set for 12/22/2020 at 11:00 a.m. before Magistrate Judge Michael A. Hammer via Zoom. In addition to and wholly separate from counsel, individual clients with full settlement authority are required to be available via Zoom. The Court will provide the parties with the Zoom information via email.

Each party must submit a confidential settlement memorandum on or before 12/17/2020, limited to five (5) double-spaced pages and only those exhibits that are absolutely necessary for the conference. . . .

I fully expect we will now be able to move back to primarily covering the life sciences here -- since it would seem sanity in politics will soon make a full come-back.

Next up after this one will be thoughts on Pfizer's vaccine news (preliminary data only there), and the fine panel President-Elect Biden will name to tackle COVID-19, on his first day in January -- along with a mask mandate. Flawless.


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