Monday, November 16, 2020

I Think This Is Now A FIFTH Corporate Name Change, Due To The Shkreli-Stigma/Stink...

But it may be the sixth. . . honestly, I've lost count.

And, I suppose (to be fair) the August 2019 flame out of the drug candidate at right may have been the more immediate cause of the renaming. But as we documented, Martin called people questioning him about it "idiots" in a widely rebroadcast lecture from one of the Ivies in 2018, if memory serves.


So -- we will put this name change, along with... KaloBios, Humanigen, Turing, Vyera and Phoenixus. . . on his tab.

Onward, grinning -- in spite of myself. . . yes, name change -- that's the ticket. . . .


1 comment:

  1. Hey you... hoping that you're not flooded down there...

    Snow has stopped here... just gray... and likely gray, for the eclipse -- so I'll stay here with my eldest baby-girl in from London for a month... smile.
