Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Compared To The Rest Of His Manifold Sins Against Our Troops And Vets -- This May Seem Minor (But Completely "On Brand"): Disgusting.

I simply must note it. My grandad served in that war.

And no sitting president, ever since this ceremony was inaugurated, has ever been. . . late. The wreath is to be laid at the eleventh minute, of the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day, of the eleventh month -- as it was at 11:11 on this day, in 1918, that "the war to end all wars" was itself ended, by an armistice. Germans and Americans and English and French soldiers all stopped firing at each other, at that very moment.

This year, for the first time since at least 1954, the laying of the wreath was delayed more than 20 minutes. . . because Trump was. . . late.

This man is an insufferable. . . ass. Forget that the entire world knows he is doing no work -- and has lost, by nearly five million votes. . . he cannot even bother to be on time, for those who bled and died for his freedom to be such a. . . petulant, sniveling, small-minded. . . loser. That is all.



  1. Asking for a different outcome from this guy is like trying to change the stripes on a tiger. Ain't going to happen. Remember, he said to CoS Kelly, 'I don't get it' when visiting Arlington on a prior trip. He really is self centered. The real problem is all of his supporters that stand by him~~~even now. Whether regular people or those in positions of authority, they need to step up and call out this pattern.

    Peace to your grandfather, my dad, brother, sister, niece and nephew, and all other Veterans that served.

  2. Absolutely, Anon. . . and to my father, my uncle, and all my cousins who also served, in subsequent wars -- and during times of peace.

    We convey a sincere debt of gratitude -- to each and every one -- whether their names and faces are known to us, or not so.

    That is my hope -- that we all do.

    And. . . I am resolving(!) to stop typing / saying the name of the orange baboon, to the extent I possibly can, henceforth!

    "When you speak/say something -- you give it more energy", as my own long-gone great grandmother told me. . . so I won't.

    G r i n. . . .
