Sunday, November 1, 2020

Breaking -- Texas Republicans Not Allowed To Ignore 127,000 Harris County Votes: TX Supreme Court

This is exceedingly good news.

But it shouldn't ever have been controversial, at all. In the US -- we count every valid ballot. At least prior to Trump and Abbott we used to. But the GOP knows higher totals will never again favor their side, so the move is to supress the vote.

This is, in fact, the only really wide spread vote fraud going on: Republicans seeking incessantly (like clouds of whiny gnats) to disenfranchise urban (in this case, Houston-area) voters, knowing that the GOP platforms are all aimed at harming urban people, everywhere -- in the main. I suppose a US Supreme court challenge may be attempted by the Texas State Republican Party, but the sand is almost out of the hour-glass's upper chamber for such a move, now. Condor predicts even the conservative federal judges in Texas will so hold. Here's a bit, but do go read it all at The Austin Statesman:

. . .The Texas Supreme Court on Sunday rejected, without comment, a bid by three Republican candidates and a GOP activist to toss out almost 127,000 votes cast from drive-thru lanes in the emerging Democratic stronghold of Harris County.

The votes, however, are not yet safe to count as part of the early-voting tally Tuesday.

A federal judge will hold an emergency hearing Monday morning — less than 21 hours before polls open on Election Day — to hear arguments on a similar challenge filed by the same group of Republicans, who argue that state law prohibits drive-thru voting, so every vote cast from cars during the early voting period should be tossed out as illegal.

At the same hearing, U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen will weigh a request by Democratic organizations and the party’s U.S. Senate candidate, MJ Hegar, to join the case in defense of drive-thru voting — and the 126,911 votes cast that way.. . .

Onward smiling, even so -- brimming, in fact, with optimism -- about the prospect of Tuesday evening's results.


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