Monday, November 30, 2020

Irony: After All Her Foot Dragging, Sarah Fabian Complains That The Lawyers Representing Incarcerated Children Are "Trying To Rush Things"...

Well, she's nothing, if not. . . predictable. This afternoon in LA, she filed what she called an "Objection" -- saying that the lawyers for the kids haven't done enough to meet and confer before asking more from the ICE and DHS and HHS forces she represents.

This is. . . deep irony, heaped on top of her prior pathos (about "safe and sanitary" not including a toothbrush, or soap, or bedding -- of any kind). She complains about largely meaningless procedural niceties, the upshot of which ultimately only mean she has to work more than an eight hour day, while children are locked away from their parents -- without any legally cognizable rationale. I am through with her -- 51 days. 51. . . days.

That will -- we hope -- be her expiry / end date.

Now you know -- and. . . on a more cheerful note -- we will press onward, now in occasional bits of free time, searching for additional McCracken-2001 inspired posthumous "leave-behinds" (via Google Earth -- now that we know what sorts of pointy shadows to look for, on the satellite imagery -- in the blazingly hot, sun drenched red rock formations of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona). . . smiling widely. . . with this fun "Where's Waldo" project ahead. . . .


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