Monday, November 23, 2020

About A Week Ago -- Parker Solar Data [From Plunge No. Five] Was Released To The Public...

We continue to be enthralled by the only spacecraft named for a still-living person. The solar discoveries data sets are promptly made available to the public -- since our tax dollars fund it -- and. . . we now have set number five.

Here's to the U of C.'s Prof. Parker's lithe and speedy little craft!

From the Parker team's release [with links to the data -- in that press release]:

. . .This latest batch of science data was collected by Parker Solar Probe’s four instrument suites this past summer, and covers the mission’s fifth solar encounter -- including closest approach to the Sun, called perihelion, on June 7 -- and a special observation period for the mission’s third Venus flyby in July.

The data can be accessed through NASA’s Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) and Solar Data Analysis Center (SDAC), the APL Parker Solar Probe Gateway, and the Science Operation Centers of the four science investigation teams (the University of California, Berkeley; Princeton University; Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; and the Naval Research Laboratory). . . .

Smiling widely, as we watch. . . undulating purples move with unwasted grace, anew. . . onward. . . ever, onward.


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