Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The McCloskeys' Object Lesson: When Lawyers Act To Represent Themselves -- Idiocy Often Ensues...

It seems, via the superseding indictment just released in St. Louis, that the McCloskeys (both litigious lawyers) after the events that led to the first felony indictments, intentionally tampered with evidence -- by mis-assembling the pistol she had (here, in the satirical guise of Trump!) trigger-fingered, at right -- and then, the so-altered gun would presumably be argued not to be capable of being an offense, since it was not capable of. . . wait for it! actually firing a bullet, though one was certainly in the chamber, that night.

That's all. . . just preciously. . . stupid.

And as irony would have it -- it makes out yet another felony -- for tampering / obstruction of justice.

Yep -- and we should note -- for the record, these are just two of the people. . . the GOP had make official appearances, at their nominating convention.

That alone should make a vote for any GOP candidate. . . a non-starter.

[Of course, we may safely predict that Hinderaker will be along shortly -- to argue some nonsense second amendment "right" to tamper with firearm evidence. Insane, that.]

Onward, grinning -- in spite of myself. . . .



  1. I'm speechless at this point with the 'orange king.' So, for a different note: since this started as a Pharma-blog.

    Stay well

  2. Lovely!

    Thank you -- and of course. . . this is still some times. . . a pharma / merck blog. . . . (and likely more-so, again, after November 3, 2020) grin.

    I'll make this a new post over this weekend -- you too stay safe, and well -- as well, Anon.!


    Namaste. . . .
