Monday, October 19, 2020

Rob Davis Has Become Quite A Wealthy Man, After Leaving Baxter (And Lilly, Before That)... Just Pocketed An Additional $6.6 Million, At Merck...

It was only a scant six years ago that he departed Baxter -- whilst Bob Parkinson struggled to keep a grip on his board (and his own seat), in Deerfield. Of course, Bob is long dead now, and Rob was wise to bail when he did. And just about two weeks ago, we saw exactly why. Rob cashed an ungodly number of Merck stock options -- into the teeth of a pandemic and election uncertainty (likley avoiding higher taxes on this move, had he waited to next year); all while laying in dry powder -- for whatever might occur next.

He did not add to his holdings; and he did not reduce his outright shares held either.

But he pocketed $6.6 million in cash, likely after tax, if he sold them properly.

That comes on top of the $6.5 million to $7.7 million he's been paid, regular way, each year for the last three -- and so, for all six years (not including this $6.6 million kicker!). . . he's pulled down about $33 million -- give or take (pre-tax). Or $40 million with this last sale.

Nice work if you can get it -- and it seems clear he knows his regressively easy personal tax rates (under Trump) are all but at an end. So he liquified his vested gains -- at a lower tax burden. Funny -- even Dr. Perlmutter, who is stepping aside hasn't done so with the gusto Rob has. Fascinating (nor has Mr. Frazier). . . . Out.


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