Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Donald John Trump Is Responsible For All Of This. All Of This. He's A... Pernicious Criminal.

Not entirely coincidentally, the UK Guardian is reporting on this, this morning.

I am at my wit's end. This represents an intentional and depraved indifference to the safety of human lives -- children, specifically -- and even as the Steering Committee of fine volunteer lawyers works tirelessly to find the parents or other guardians, let us firmly fix in our minds: this was the intent of Stephen Miller and Donald Trump, from jump. To inflict endless suffering. This man must be walked out on November 4, 2020. Here is the latest 15 page report, from the US district court filings in San Diego:

. . .545 children remain for whom the Steering Committee has not yet reached the separated parent, approximately two-thirds (66%) of whom are believed on the basis of the last information available from the government, to be in their respective countries of origin.

For all of these families, the Steering Committee’s prior telephonic outreach attempts have not been successful in reaching the parent, and as further telephonic outreach attempts are not expected to result in successful contact with the separated parent, the Steering Committee has commenced or intends to commence additional efforts to locate the separated parent, as discussed below. . . .

Of note, it appears that about half of respondents reported that they continue not to be able to obtain information about the location of a child’s parent if the parent is in U.S. Marshals’ custody. That lack of information is consistent with prior inspector general reports raising concerns that ORR does not receive necessary information about a parent’s location from the U.S. Marshals Service. See, e.g., Communication and Management Challenges Impeded HHS’s Response to the Zero-Tolerance Policy, (filed at ECF No. 524), at 26 (“Facility staff reported that U.S. Marshals Service staff told them it did not have the same obligations as DHS to share information about parents with ORR. As of April 2019, ORR staff reported that the UAC Program continued to experience significant difficulties obtaining information about parents who were in U.S. Marshals Service custody. . . .”)

Onward. We are gratified that the lawyers. . . as well as all the fine people of the LA/SD metroplex, chose to stand up for all of us. We think all these ill-starred, wrong-headed and lawless ideas will now die on the vine. [At upper-left, while Trump held one of his "Star Chamber" commission meetings in Kenosha, Wisconsin. . . I signed up new voters, relying on a vintage BHO shirt to open the doors, in the 'hood. It did. Grins. . . .]

Vote This Monster. Out.


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