Friday, January 13, 2012

Merck Files Cain v. Hassan Settlement Notice With SEC

Just as I said it would, tonight (dumped into the memory hole, after-hours on the beginning of a long King Day holiday weekend), Whitehouse Station filed the notice of settlement for Cain v. Hassan -- right here.


. . . .Any current New Merck shareholder who was a New Merck shareholder as of December 21, 2011 who objects to the Settlement, the judgment to be entered thereon, or the award of attorneys’ fees and expenses to Plaintiff’s Counsel, or who otherwise wishes to be heard, may appear in person or by his or her attorney at the Fairness Hearing and present any evidence or argument that may be proper and relevant, provided, however, that any shareholder who wishes to object or be heard must follow the following procedures: The shareholder must, by no later than February 8, 2012, file with the Court a written objection, stating all supporting bases and reasons for the objection, including the identification of all witnesses, documents or other evidence that are to be presented at the Fairness Hearing in connection with the objection and a summary of the substance of the testimony to be given by any such witnesses, and submit documentary evidence of the shareholder’s continuous ownership of New Merck common stock since December 21, 2011. This submission should be addressed as follows:

Clerk of the Court
United States District Court for the District of New Jersey
Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse
50 Walnut Street
Newark, New Jersey 07101. . . .

So it goes.

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