Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Supremes Now Have Two Fewer Immigration Cases: Biden Administration Drops Trump's Appeals Of Losses, On Wall Funding, And "Remain In Mexico" Orders

Here is the one overnight, on no longer stealing DoD funding, funding which was repeatedly, and specifically labeled by Congress, as "not allowed" for "the Wall build" (only Congress has the power to tax and spend, afterall -- Baby-T could not spend any money Congress did not allocate to him), in which the erstwhile new team at 1600 Penn has said the Supremes ought to remove Baby-T's appeal of his loss from their calendar. Team Biden will not defend Baby-T's position at the highest court. So, again, he loses.

And, here is the one dropping the lawless "remain in Mexico" executive action, and a bit of it -- deplorable, that Baby-T did these things:

. . .[Since the adoption of "remain in Mexico" order,] DHS began processing aliens under MPP on January 28, 2019. Since then, the agency reports having returned approximately 68,700 individuals to Mexico under MPP. Some of them have had their removal proceedings resolved; some have withdrawn their applications for relief or protection from removal; and others’ removal proceedings are ongoing. . . .

In February 2019, respondents -- 11 aliens who were returned to Mexico under MPP and six organizations that provide legal services to migrants -- brought this suit in the Northern District of California challenging MPP on various grounds and seeking a preliminary injunction. In April 2019, the district court issued a preliminary injunction, without any geographical limits, that barred DHS from “continuing to implement or expand” MPP, and ordered that the individual plaintiffs be allowed to enter the United States. Pet. App. 83a; see id. at 48a-83a. On appeal, the court of appeals affirmed the district court’s injunction. . . .

Bit by bit, the ship of ordered liberty. . . is righting itself. Onward, smiling, this morning -- as Mr. Biden signs a new batch of immigration related orders, repealing more of the lawless T-agenda.


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