Sunday, August 9, 2020

"All Sound & Fury... Signifying NOTHING" -- Part II: Resist Trump's Lawless End Runs Around "Checks And Balances" Edition

The Speaker of the House called it all "an illusion" -- and "inconsequential. . . absurdly unconstitutional. . . slop". She is spot-on.

Trump's actions are. . . pure theater -- and even he (a "bear of very little brain") well knows it.

McConnell is the road block -- not the House Democrats -- don't be hoodwinked. We, the people, need a comprehensive set of safety net measures -- not just a band-aid until November. This will be a multi-year road to return to fuller employment for most workers without advanced degrees. And, if accepted, Trump's lawless "paper dictates" would permanently gut Social Security. It is in fact a take-away, disguised as a "hand-out".

It. Must. Be. Opposed.

In the courts, if need be -- but McConnell may well gamble and lose his seat over this, if he doesn't agree to more fulsome, and longer term relief -- in line with the Democratic suggestions. Resist -- onward.


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