Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Team Trump Capitulates -- Drops At Least One Ninth Circuit Appeal...

Overnight, Team Trump withdrew at least one of its manifold appeals -- from losses it has suffered at the the trial court levels, in the border detainee cases.

That is imaged at left right.

Separately, the able USDC Judge Sabraw also overnight formally ordered the sides to keep working, in "meet and confer" sessions, to achieve practical effect -- for his order of very prompt DNA testing in all circumstances where border agents may want to separate families on mere suspicion of not actually being. . . biological. . . families.

That's clearly the right result.

Onward, with markets staging at least smallish rebound now. Grin. . . ever. . . grinning.



Anonymous said...

https://www.huffpost.com/entry/supreme-court-trump-asylum-seekers-mexico_n_5e692954c5b68c0169120dfa ugh

condor said...

Indeed. And to top it off, my favorite parade has been postponed.

Onward, just the same. . . .