Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 -- A Year Of Declines -- In Pharma Brands' DTC Advertising Spend, Too

This, according to Medical Marketing & Media's online site, a few minutes ago -- with the salient New Merck snippet below, but do go read it all:

. . . .Companies lessening their overall expenditure included GlaxoSmithKline, which reduced DTC outlays by about 40% as of September, in line with predictions CEO Andrew Witty had made earlier in the year that the company would do less TV advertising in 2009 than it had in the past.

Merck also reduced spend by nearly 17%, the nine-month data show, reflecting decreased outlay behind its cardio franchise (Vytorin and Zetia) and the HPV vaccine Gardasil, as well as its merger with Schering-Plough. . . .

This trend is likely to persist well into 2010, with "reform" being a watchword in Washington.

Happy New Year, one and all!

And, now a DTC parody redux, from earlier this year:

We bring you -- with no further ado -- Vytorinoxil®*!


* Any resemblance in this Holton Sentivan + Gury spot -- to any actually-marketed brand name pharmaceutical. . . . is entirely coincidental. I swear. Cheers!

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